One day and Autumn Conferences

One-day Conferences

Yearsort ascending Title Venue
2020 Ethnomusicology and music enterprise in catastrophic times University of Lincoln (online)
2018 Beyond Memory and Reconciliation: Music, Conflict and Social Manipulation in Post-Conflict Contexts University of Keele
2017 ‘Listening to Difference’: Music and Multiculturalism University of Cambridge
2016 Radio and Ethnomusicology. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives University of Edinburgh and the Museum of Communication, Scotland
2015 Ethnomusicology and Policy Newcastle University
2014 Ethnomusicology and the City City University
2013 Music around the Atlantic Rim Cardiff University
2013 Rethinking Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Towards New Ethical Paradigms in Music and Health Research Goldsmiths, University of London
2012 Making Sound Objects: Cultures of Hearing, Recording, Creating and Circulating University of Oxford
2011 Listening for a Change: Environment, Music, Action Institute of Music Research, Senate House, University of London School of Advanced Studies
2010 The Impact of Ethnomusicology Institute of Music Research, Senate House, University of London School of Advanced Studies
2009 Taking Pleasure Seriously: Theorising Pleasure and Music King's College London (Strand)
2008 Sacred singing and musical spirituality University of Aberdeen
2007 Ethnomusicology and the Culture Industries Goldsmiths, University of London
2006 Music and Travel University of Manchester
2005 Diaspora, Postcolonialism and Performance Middlesex University
2004 Musical Instruments Horniman Museum
2003 The Body in Musical Performance University of Surrey Roehampton
2002 Ethnomusicology and Authenticity Goldsmiths College, University of London
2001 The New (Ethno)musicologies Royal Holloway, University of London
