Conference Archive

Study Days

Yearsort ascending Title Venue
2023 Music, Hope and Reimagining Society: the role of music in thinking around Utopia Queen's University Belfast
2023 Critical Perpsectives on Petrosonics King’s College London/Online
2020 Low End Theories: Understanding Bass Music & Culture University of Bristol
2019 Music, Well-being and Mental Health Hereford College of Arts
2018 Music and the Internet University of Oxford
2017 Filming African Music Bath Spa University
2016 Researching Music: Interviewing, Ethnography, and Oral History Senate House, University of London
2016 Sounding Ethnicity Department of Music, Nottingham University
2015 Mouth Blown and Bellows Blown: Free Reed Instruments in their Social Contexts The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
2015 Music and Mobilities University of Oxford
2014 Music, Circulation and the Public Sphere University of Manchester
2008 Soundscapes of India: Tradition, Transformation and Topography Horniman Museum
1997 Music Studies and Cultural Difference Open University