Music and Mobilities

Joint Study Day of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology and the Royal Musical Association, University of Oxford, Friday 15 May 2015

Registration is now open and can be booked here: Please register before Wednesday 13 May.

Including invited papers by Jason Stanyek (University of Oxford) and Laura Tunbridge (University of Oxford), this second annual BFE/RMA Study Day seeks to bring together researchers to engage in interdisciplinary discussions about the relationship between music and mobilities.

The programme for the Study Day and details of registration can be found on the Study Day website:

If you have any questions or difficulty with the registration process, please email:


Lyndsey Hoh (University of Oxford; BFE Student Liaison Officer)
Peter Atkinson (University of Birmingham; RMA Student Representative)
Stephen Millar (Queen’s University Belfast; RMA Student Committee Member)

Conference dates: 
15 May 2015
University of Oxford