Supported memberships for scholars facing economic or political hardship
The British Forum for Ethnomusicology is very happy to announce that starting in 2022 it will offer up to 30 BFE-supported memberships annually to scholars facing significant economic or political hardship. This includes ethnomusicologists for whom membership fees cost a substantial part of their income, researchers unable to make international payments owing to local constraints, and scholars displaced by war or other catastrophe.
Supported membership will allow these scholars access to the benefits of membership, including the ability to present at BFE conferences, eligibility for our prizes and awards, and access to the BFE journal, Ethnomusicology Forum.
The application process is simple. Email the BFE Membership Administrator ( with your full name, email address, country of residence, and a short application outlining your circumstances (maximum 300 words). In some cases, we may request additional documentation. These instructions can also be found on the BFE’s Join/Renew page. Feel free to mail the Membership Administrator for further guidance.