Call for Expressions of Interest in Hosting the Annual and One-Day Conferences of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology
Please respond by 1 July 2019
The British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE) invites expressions of interest from institutions interested in hosting the BFE Annual and One-Day Conferences in 2020 and 2021.
Annual Conferences 2021
BFE Annual Conferences run for four days (from Thursday to Sunday) and are usually held in April during the Easter vacation period. Annual Conferences typically have a theme, although delegates may present research on any subject of interest to ethnomusicologists.
A summary of past Annual Conferences can be found at The Elphinstone Institute, University of Aberdeen will host the 2019 gathering on ‘Collaborative Ethnomusicology’; and Bath Spa University will host the 2020 gathering.
One-Day Conferences 2020
BFE One-Day Conferences are usually held on Saturdays in November (although late October and early December are also possibilities). They are more narrowly themed than Annual Conferences and focus on specific, sometimes emerging, areas of ethnomusicologicial enquiry. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged.
A summary of past One-Day Conferences can be found at The 2019 conference is hoped to be a collaboration between the BFE and SFE, to be held at City, University of London.
Expressing Interest
For further information or informal conversations about the possibility of hosting these conferences, please contact Matthew Machin-Autenrieth at (in relation to the annual conference) and Stephen Wilford at stw31 (in relation to the one-day conference). We would be happy to meet to discuss hosting during the forthcoming Annual Conference at the University of Aberdeen.
To express interest, please send no more than one side of paper outlining
• a proposed theme (in the case of the One-Day Conference);
• who will be responsible for planning the event;
• the advantages of hosting it at your institution.