Call for BFE Committee Members

Deadline for Nominations: Wednesday 8th May 2024

The British Forum for Ethnomusicology seeks nominations for four positions on the BFE Executive Committee. The terms of several current members of the BFE Committee are coming an end and three members intend to stand for re-election.

The BFE is in need of dedicated Committee members who will make important contributions to the day-to-day running and future development of the BFE. In line with our ambitions as a subject association, we welcome nominations that will help the Committee reflect the diversity of our membership and discipline.

Please consider applying, especially if you have had experience of organising conferences.

General responsibilities of Committee members include:

  • attending 2–3 BFE Committee meetings each year
  • engaging proactively in BFE business
  • contributing creatively to BFE strategies and initiatives
  • engaging in regular email communication with the Committee
  • writing reports on BFE activities for the annual Chair’s Report and presenting these at the Annual General Meeting
  • participating, when necessary, in working groups on specific BFE tasks

The roles for Committee members in this election round are:

1) BFE Conference Liaison (3 positions)

Together, the BFE’s three conference liaisons oversee the society’s conference schedule, which involves:

  • Liaising with or serving on the local arrangements committees for the BFE’s Annual Conference and Autumn Conference and the BFE/RMA Research Student Conference
  • Facilitating additional study days on special subjects from time to time
  • Mentoring students and early-career researchers hosting a first conference for the BFE
  • Acting as the first point of contact for matters relating to BFE conferences and events
  • Representing the BFE at conferences and at meetings of the RMA Flagship Conferences Subcommittee (2 or 3 per year)
  • Corresponding with other subject associations (e.g., Society for Ethnomusicology, Société Française d’Ethnomusicologie, ICTMD-Ireland) to organise joint events
  • Providing reports on conference activities at BFE committee meetings.

2) Membership Liaison Officer (1 position)

The Membership Liaison Officer maintains and develops relationships between the membership of the BFE and the Executive Committee, including by bringing forward issues from members for consideration by the Committee. The Officer also works on initiatives related to membership and marketing in conjunction with the BFE General Administrator and the Membership Administrator.

To be nominated, please send a statement (300 words maximum) to the BFE Administrator, Morgan Davies ( ()) by the end of Wednesday 8th May. Statements will be forwarded to the BFE membership and the BFE email list prior to voting.

If you wish to stand for election you must be nominated by one BFE member and seconded by another. Please copy the nominators into the email containing your statement.

The statement should include:

  • Your name and a contact address
  • Current institutional affiliation (if affiliated)
  • The names of the BFE members who have nominated and seconded your candidacy
  • The role for which you are being nominated
  • A statement outlining your suitability for service on the BFE Committee, highlighting relevant skills and experience

You are very welcome to contact the BFE Administrator with questions about the post.

In order to vote you need to be a current member of BFE, so please renew your membership for 2024 if you have not done so already. Online voting will take place soon after the deadline for nominations and the results will be announced to the BFE membership and the BFE email list.