2023 BFE Committee Elections – Student Liaison

The British Forum for Ethnomusicology seeks nominations for the position of Student Liaison on the BFE Committee. This is an important position in the organisation, providing a valuable link between the Committee and the student membership and offering significant professional experience to the successful candidate. The term lasts for two years from election.

In order to stand for election, you must be a 2023 BFE member. You must also be nominated by two other BFE members (one nominating and the other seconding the nomination).

Responsibilities include:

  • attending and participating in 2–3 BFE Committee meetings each year;
  • staying in email contact with the BFE Committee and participating in committee discussion and decision-making;
  • helping to organise the annual BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference (duties include attending 3 conference committee meetings and the conference itself each year in January);
  • helping to organise other events;
  • liaising between the student membership and the BFE committee;

The role involves around two hours of work most weeks, with certain weeks requiring substantially more time. For example, the Research Students’ Conference in January is a three-day event.

All positions on the BFE committee are on a voluntary basis, but related expenses such as travel are paid by the BFE (or the Local Arrangements Committee in the case of the BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference).

If you wish to stand for election, please submit a proposal of no more than 350 words. This will be forwarded to the BFE membership prior to online voting. The proposal should include:

  • your name;
  • your institution;
  • the names of two BFE members, one who has agreed to nominate you and one who has agreed to second the nomination;
  • a statement outlining why you think you are the right person for the position of Student Liaison.

It is recommended that applicants not be absent from duty for long periods during the time in post. If significant absences due to fieldwork etc. are foreseen, please provide details of how duties will be carried out during this time.

If you are unable to see to responsibilities personally during the term, you will be expected to recruit an appropriate deputy, to be approved by the BFE Committee.

Nominations must be emailed to the BFE Chair, Byron Dueck (chairatbfe.org.uk) by the end of Friday 5 May 2023.

Should you have any enquiries, please email our administrator Morgan Davies (adminatbfe.org.uk) regarding the application process.