BFE/RMA Study Day - call for expressions of interest
The RMA and BFE welcome expressions of interest from PhD students to host a study day in music studies. The societies are able to provide financial and organisational support for a themed event that aims to connect ethnomusicological and musicological approaches. The study day is intended to be largely by and for students, but with the participation of more senior academics welcome. By way of guidance, previous years' themes have included: Music and Mobilities; Music, Circulation and the Public Sphere; and Music, Wellbeing and Mental Health.
If you are interested, please send a short proposal including institutional details, theme, the name of an academic mentor who is willing to support the study day, and the format of the event to:
Matthew Machin-Autenrieth (
Steve Wilford (
Susan Bagust (
Deadline for expressions of interest: 18th June