BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference 2021

The 2021 BFE/RMA Research Students Conference will be held at the Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge (12th – 14th January 2021). The Research Students Conference is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to gain valuable presentation experience in a friendly and welcoming environment, amongst peers and established academics. The conference seeks to create dialogue across the different strands of music scholarship (musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music studies), as well as featuring composition workshops and performances. Alongside presentations and composers’ workshops, the conference will also feature various training workshops for PhD students wishing to pursue careers within and outside of academia.


Call for papers deadline: 
1 Oct 2020
Conference dates: 
12 Jan 2021 to 14 Jan 2021
Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge
Call for papers: 

BFE-RMA Research Students’ Conference

12th – 14th January 2021

Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge

The Faculty of Music at the University of Cambridge is delighted to host the 2021 British Forum for Ethnomusicology and Royal Musical Association Research Students’ Conference. Despite the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in, the committee will be moving ahead with a hybrid version of the conference. Paper presentations and lecture recitals will be online, with composition workshops taking place in-person dependent on governmental and university guidelines at the time. We are also planning a series of in-person events, where possible, including: personal professional development panels, a Gamelan workshop and concert.

We are pleased to announce that the keynote lectures will be delivered by:

·      Emily MacGregor (King’s College London) winner of the Jerome Roche Prize, on behalf of the RMA

·      Thomas R. Hilder (NTNU, Norway) on behalf of the BFE

For further information on the conference, travel information and accommodation options, as well as registration, please see the conference website:

For general conference enquires please contact: ()


The Conference Call for Proposals invites submissions of work in the following categories:

Academic Papers and Lecture Recitals

Postgraduate research students are invited to submit proposals relating to any aspect of musical research, including musicology, ethnomusicology, music psychology, composition, audiovisual media, performance, and/or other creative practices, and research that cuts across disciplinary boundaries. We also welcome poster presentations: please indicate if your presentation is in poster format and/or if you are happy to present a poster in case your submitted presentation is not selected.

All presentations and lecture recitals will be online. Papers must be a maximum of 20 minutes’ duration. All lecture recitals will be uploaded as pre-recorded videos (maximum duration of 30 minutes). There will be an online Q&A session for all presentations – details will be announced closer to the conference date.

Abstract submissions

Submissions should be in doc. or docx. format, and consist of a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words. Please email abstracts to () by 1st October 2020.  With the abstract please supply the following information: name, email address, institutional affiliation, programme of study and year, and presentation title.

Themed Panel Session Proposals

All panel sessions will take place online with a Q&A session for all presentations – details will be announced closer to the conference date. There are two options for themed panel sessions.

-       90-minute sessions with three 20-minute papers and 30 minutes of discussion

-       60-minute sessions with four 5-minute lightning papers and 40 minutes of discussion 

Abstract submissions

Submissions should consist of a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words to be sent for each of the contributions to the session. In addition, please provide a 400-word rationale that makes clear the purpose of the session, its theme and the ways in which the individual contributions relate to each other. Please include full contact details of the convenor and indicate whether an independent chair will be required. We especially welcome proposals that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue and/or mixed methodological approaches.  

Please email abstracts to () by 1st October. With the abstract please supply the following information: name, email address, institutional affiliation, programme of study and year, and presentation title.

Call for Compositions

Compositions are invited for piano trio (piano, violin and cello). These should be of no more than 6 minutes in duration and may be movements or excerpts of longer pieces. It is hoped that selected compositions will be performed in person and live-streamed to delegates participating in the conference online.

Submission Guidelines

Scores should be submitted in PDF format accompanied by a brief text of no more than 250 words outlining poetic and technical aspects of the piece. These materials should be submitted to () by the 1st October 2020. Please provide the following information when submitting your proposal: name, email address, institutional affiliation, programme of study, year of composition and title. Composers whose works are selected will be responsible for producing performing materials at their own expense, and these will need to be available by 16th November 2020.

Conference Committee

Michelle Assay

Richard Causton

Matt Dicken

Katharine Ellis

Ellen Falconer

Lois Fitch

Dunya Habash

Patrick Huang

Matthew Machin-Autenrieth (chair)

Francesca Vella