Conferences Archive

One-day Conferences

Yearsort descending Title Venue
1984 The Revival of Traditional Music in Asia and Africa School of Oriental and African Studies, Centre for Music Studies
1985 Musical Analysis in Ethnomusicology University Music School, Cambridge.
1986 Ethnomusicology and Music Education Music Education Centre, Reading University
1987 Ethnomusicological Approaches to Musical Instruments Pitt Rivers Museum. Oxford
1988 Notation as a Tool in Ethnomusicology Goldsmiths College, University of London
1989 Technology and Fieldwork. Use and abuse King’s College, Cambridge
1990 Musical Instruments and Symbolism The Horniman Museum
1991 Ethnomusicology and Archives Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford
1992 Relationships Between Music and Dance Goldsmiths College, University of London
1993 Music and Gender West London Institute of Higher Education
1994 Music, Performance and Identity King’s College, Cambridge
1995 Ethnomusicology and World Music? City University
1996 Rhythm SOAS, University of London (Centre of Music Studies)
1997 Music in the Post-Colonial World The Faculty of Music and Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh
1998 Music and Meaning The Open University Musics and Cultures Research Group (Open University, Milton Keynes)
1999 Changing Soudscapes and Continuity of Ethnomusicology SOAS, University of London (held jointly with ESEM 1999)
2000 Ethnomusicological Artefact: The Sound Recording International Music section of the British Library National Sound Archive
2001 The New (Ethno)musicologies Royal Holloway, University of London
2002 Ethnomusicology and Authenticity Goldsmiths College, University of London
2003 The Body in Musical Performance University of Surrey Roehampton
